Praising God in the small victory’s

When the Pastor at my church gave his last sermon before he started his retirement he said when it feels like nothing is happening something is happening.  I was reminded of this this morning when I was getting dressed.  I put on a pair of pants I wear regularly and they felt so much looser.  I am seeing results from my daily efforts to get in shape.  When I notice any victory I immediately give it to the  Lord.  The glory is his and he blesses me more than I deserve. So today I want to encourage you to praise the Lord for a small victory. With each one we are closer to where he wants us to be. 

Its All for Them

This week I have been dealing with feeling tremendous guilt as a mother.  Chasing after my goals requires me to out of the house 4 to 5 evenings a week.  When i leave I feel as if I am letting my children down.  I have always been a stay at home mom but now I am a mom in transition.  I know that I am doing the best for them by doing what I am doing because if I don’t I will not be able to keep the household going now that I am on my own. I also want to show them that hard work and determination is key to a succesful life.  I hope one day they will see what I have done and will be proud of me. 


I cherish opportunities to spend time with them every chance I get.  I am still spending day time at home with the little ones and take them on outings to the library and the grocery store.  I am very excited to take all three of my little guys to Lowe’s this weekend for their build and grow workshop I am sure we will have a great time. 

I am going to close my eyes and visualize handing over this burden to Jesus.  I know he will give me the peace of knowing he is proud of me and knows my heart.  I need his guidance every day to give me the courage to not stay at home when I know doing what’s best for my kids means I must leave and pursue the passions he has put in my heart.

Scarey Emails and Other Aventures

Wow!  I must warn you coming our of your comfort zone is a serious commitment.  This has been a frazzling and some times bewildering week but threw it at all it was great.  Taking on the role of project leader for my class put in some super uncomfortable positions.  I sat at the head of a big meeting table and tried to direct a meeting of ten very excited and diverse women by the end of it I was tired and stressed but I praised God for allowing me to have the experience and grow from it. However much to my dismay the Lord continued to bless me with opportunities to grow. I had to write an uncomfortable email to ask someone to please work with the team and to stop a few things she was doing. I was scared out of my mind confrontation is not my strong point. I reached out to the leaders of the class for help. Okay, well i thought they would do for me but I was wrong. What they did was teach me how to do it on my own which will be much more valuable to me in the long run.

The very best part of my week was pretty shocking a friend of mine who I never expected to want to go to church started to talk to me about going. We are going to go this Sunday. I talked to her about what she needed in a church and I decided that mine might not be the best fit so I am going a field trip to a mega church this weekend to help get her started. I promise to fill you in on the experience. I humbled by the fact that the Lord is useing my life in this way because I am far from perfect but he still chooses me.

The Lord is preparing me for something I don’t know what it is yet but I am happily going through the training.  

Leaving My Comfort Zone

This week I officially left my comfort zone behind and fully embrace the transition period I am in.  For the first time in many years I can not tell you what the ladies of The View discussed or what the latest celebrity gossip is.  What I can tell you is that I have worked in the nursery at church, volunteered to lead the project for my class threw leadership Pikes Peak, made plans to take my friends daughter on an educational trip to Denver, and went back to the gym.  Not all of my time out of my comfort zone was spent on me I also took my small boys to a couple story times and out on walks to enjoy this unusually warm January. 


Leaving my comfort zone behind can be scary but for the most part I am finding it very exciting.  The Lord is reigniting passions In me I left on the back burner as I dealt with a tragedy in my life and the lives of my children. When I get nervous or scared  I can close my eyes and see the hand of Jesus reaching out to pull me up from the dark place I was in and I grab his hand firmly and rise to become the women he has called me to be,  He gives me the strength to take on new challenges and dream bigger then I have before.  I truly believe that all things are possible threw Christ who strengthens me.  Each day I take steps to see myself  as he sees me.  I’m not there yet but I am thankful I am not where I was.  I want my life to be an example to my children that the Lord does indeed work all things together for good and there no limit to what you can accomplish in your life.

this is by far my favriot word press blog. This is such an inspiration the what wonderful things the Lord is doing in their church.

Intolerance vs. Standing Firm

I have been wrestling with question since the chick fil a incident several months ago.  At first I did not see it as a positive statement I thought it made Christians look intolerant and unapproachable instead of showing Christs love.  Since then I have discussed this issue with people in my church and the conversations resulted in me growing in my faith.  They explained to me that Jesus calls us to stand firm for what is right and that taking a stand is an important part of our christian walk.  I am embracing the fact that the chik fil a protest was not an act of intolerance but a show of what we as believers stand for. 


I am still left with the question where is the line how do we know when our stand is blocking someone from the church?  How does the light of Gods love show ?  If our stand causes the world to view the church and intolerant how can we win souls? 





The 5 Aspects of Biblical Womenhood

A few years ago I did a bible study at my Church that forever changed how I see myself.  It was called the 5 Aspects of womanhood and it takes you on an in depth journey to discover who God calls us to be.  This is a piece i wrote on refreshing those aspects for where I am headed in 2013.

Refreshing Your Focus on Five Aspects


As the holiday decorations come down and the hustle and bustle of the season fades to memory I think it’s a good time to look at the five aspects of biblical womanhood as we prepare for a successful new year.  These aspects encourage us to dig deeper in faith and make us stronger mothers, wives and women of the community.  It is wise to evaluate yourself regularly and pray and have the Lord to point out areas where you can improve.  I am going to share with you my evaluation and hope in encourages you.


Mistress of the Domain

This year I plan to continue to work on my organization skills and to make my home a comfortable and nurturing place for my children and visitors.  I also plan to be a better steward of my finances by tithing obediently because I can trust God.



Lord, I pray that you help me and guide me on making my home a place of comfort and rest for my family and all who enter it.  I also pray that my giving of tithes be pleasing to you.



As a single woman I will find ways to server the church so that I may be a helper to further the Kingdom of God by be a willing a servant in my church home.  I will start with my monthly nursery obligation and continue to look for ways to make myself useful. I will strive to always have a humble attitude and cheerful spirit while working in the church.


Lord, I pray that I will serve the church with a servant’s heart and help it to be the best it can be.  I also ask that my works be an example to my children of how you ask us to live.


Life Giver

I am going to continue my focus on my children striving to live in a way that shows them how to be men of God and to have them feel safe and secure always.  I embrace the opportunity to be a life giver in my community.  There are many ways I can do this.  It could be something physical like helping serve food at soup kitchen or something as simple as a kind word to someone who looks needs one.  No matter how big or small the gesture our life giving efforts further the kingdom of God and glorify him.


Lord I pray that you continue to guide me on being the kind of mother you want me to be. I also pray that you show me ways I can be a life giver in my community. I want to be your hands and feet to show love to my neighbors.

Lady of Wisdom

I will seek God in everything thing I do.  It is my goal to find exactly what the call on my life is and start to work diligently on it.  I will not squander an opportunity the Lord puts in my path.  Studying the word and the new things I am learning in my class is of top priority.  Also I will continue to surround myself with strong women of God who can keep me on the right path.


Lord, I promise to seek you first and get deeper in your word so I can draw near to you.  I pray you help me to see the call you have for me.  Keep me focused on my goals and to get everything I can from the opportunities you have put in my path. Also I ask you to bless my friendships both new and old. 


Glory of Man

I am to make sure my outside reflects the beautiful work the Lord is doing in my life.  I am working on this from the inside out I am eating much healthier and treating my body as a temple.  I strive to keep my body healthy and strong so I can fulfill the call the Lord has for my life.  My outside appearance shows the world who I am and I want people to see the respect I have for the body the Lord has given me.



Lord, I pray that I take care of myself in such a way that it is pleasing to you, continue to show me ways I can improve.  I want my outside to reflect the Holy Spirit that lives inside of me.


Simple acts of service

Today was a busy a day in my house I was busy with my baby sitting job and I had to get myself ready for my class that night.  I was sitting in the living room drying my hair worried I would be late when my two year old Joesph grabbed my brush and started brushing my hair even moving the hair from my eyes. He melted my heart causing me to take a breath in the midst of the day and enjoy the  moment. 


This reminded me of the servants heart the Lord wants us to show in the world.  We never know how the smallest of acts can change someones day.  So look for opportunities to show Gods love it could be just as simple as opening the door for a stranger.

Fresh start

My house is quiet now my son went back to school after a long winter break we had a wonderful time enjoying the holiday season together.  Now its time to refocus and get back in to routine.  I started my morning with prayer and bible studying while praising God for the fresh start.  I am preparing my heart for the changes the Lord has for me I can feel the shift in my soul he preparing me for his call all though I am still not sure what I am being called to I am being diligent in seeking clarity and not being lazy.  I am working on my writing skills and embracing the opportunity of taking a leadership course in the community he put in my path.  I am also taking better care of my body so I can be healthy and ready to accept his call.  I do believe being focused and not complacent will bring me clarity on what my purpose is I am so excited what new doors will open for me.  I love the Lord with all my heart and soul and fully trust him to guide me.